Small Grant Proposal

This form is for applicants requesting a grant up to $5,000. Note that after the contact and summary program information there are three sections to your proposal:

  1. Supporting Documentation
  2. Organizational Due Diligence
  3. Request To Support a Program

The first section applies to your entire organization while the second section applies to the specific program for which you are requesting funding. Most organizations operate more than one program; however, if your organization has only one program, fill in both sections, but in the program section, when applicable, refer to your answer in the organization section.

  • Contact Information


  • Submitting Person

  • Program Information

    Details of Funding Request

  • *Amount may be up to $5,000. If you are requesting a larger amount, please return to the Grants Page to complete a Large Grant application.
  • Supporting Documentation

    Submit copies of the following documents as part of your Small Grant Application.
    • Certificate of incorporation
    • Letter of exemption from IRS granting 501(c)(3) status
    • Most recent Annual Report (if available)
    • Most recent year-end financial statements, including a Statement of Activities (Profit & Loss Statement) and Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet), audited if available
    • Most recent fundraising letter/email
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • Organizational Due Diligence

      Answer the following questions; if any are not applicable, state why.
    • Whom does the organization serve? Describe the target population as tightly as possible in demographic and geographic terms. What characteristics do they have that results in their needing services from your organization? (Use less than 50 words.)
    • What is the strategy your organization uses to achieve your mission? At the highest level, how do you achieve your mission? (Use less than 50 words.)
    • Very briefly list the specific programs, products, or services you offer to carry out your strategy.
    • Number of board members
    • Number of independent board members-not an employee or related by blood or marriage to another board member or employee
    • Frequency of meetings
    • Briefly describe the qualifications of the senior executive leading the organization(education, experience, certifications, etc.). When did he/she start working with the organization? (Use less than 50 words.)
    • Number of fulltime staff
    • Number of part-time staff
    • Frequency with which financial statements are prepared for senior management
    • Does an outside accounting firm perform an annual audit?
    • Is there currently any complaint, investigation, lawsuit, or potential lawsuit initiated by the IRS, a government agency, the board or a director, a donor, client, business partner, supplier, employee, or anyone else? If yes, please explain briefly.
    • Request to Support a Program

    • Describe the target population for the program as tightly as possible in demographic and geographic terms. What characteristics do they have that results in their needing services from your organization? If it is identical to your answer in Q3 simply say so. (Use less than 50 words.)
    • What is the problem that the target population has that your program addresses, and what solution do you offer to this problem? (Use less than 50 words.)
    • State as precisely as possible the changes that you seek to achieve in the lives of the persons you serve with this program. List about 3-5 changes you expect as people participate; changes may be in behavior, skill, knowledge, attitude, or situation. (Use one sentence for each outcome.)
    • Describe the qualifications of the program director (education, experience, certification, etc.). If program director is same as executive director, simply say so. (Use less than 50 words).
    • Number of fulltime program staff
    • Number of part-time program staff
    • Does the annual program budget number above include organizational overhead? (Yes/No) If yes, how much?
    • How is the program budget funded? List the sources of funding.
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